Resident alien-artist crashes down to Earth and takes time to scribble some thoughts.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Loco over Lomo
I finally got a Holga 120 and I'm going crazy over it, shooting like there is no tomorrow. My real dream of course is to get a Canon Rebel 300D or the 350D XT. It's just a dream ok and its price are astronomical so I decided to go back to film. Actually it's more life analog-digital since I scan my negs so all is good. I might get an LC-A within the month or maybe a kiev or a smena, Dunno, whichever comes first. Only the LC-A is available locally. Ok, I'm rambling. later...
lomo photos are characterized by saturated colors, vignettes at the edges, soft focus and are capable of multiple exposure. This can't be done by a normal camera. it can be done digitally but one can't say it's a lomo photo. Lets just say lomography is a different approach to how one shoots photos.
hi there...found your photostream on flickr and thought I'd check out your blog. Great photos by the way!!! Just wanted to tell you though, I wouldn't give the lomo lca too much credit. It's a great camera, and I wouldn't mind having one just for fun, but in reality they depend on cross processing for all those cool effects, otherwise it's just like any point and shoot camera. With minor adjustments to your typical SLR settings (basically you'd adjust it to settings that would push the slide film and take your shots with incorrect aperture & shutterspeed settings) you can achieve the same effects if you used slide film and cross-processed it.
what makes a lomo different from a regular cam?
lomo photos are characterized by saturated colors, vignettes at the edges, soft focus and are capable of multiple exposure. This can't be done by a normal camera. it can be done digitally but one can't say it's a lomo photo. Lets just say lomography is a different approach to how one shoots photos.
well explained, chap.
hi there...found your photostream on flickr and thought I'd check out your blog. Great photos by the way!!! Just wanted to tell you though, I wouldn't give the lomo lca too much credit. It's a great camera, and I wouldn't mind having one just for fun, but in reality they depend on cross processing for all those cool effects, otherwise it's just like any point and shoot camera. With minor adjustments to your typical SLR settings (basically you'd adjust it to settings that would push the slide film and take your shots with incorrect aperture & shutterspeed settings) you can achieve the same effects if you used slide film and cross-processed it.
yeah! hooray for Holga! i wanted one though I do not know where to get the film and where to process it since I'm not a darkroom person... yet.
It would really be nice having one. congaratulations!
hi junosan, thanks for dropping by. 120 films for the holga are available in fuiji stores.
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