Monday, March 13, 2006

Lays of Lothlorien

This is just a series of photos shot with a Holga 120CFN using expired black and white Kodak Verichrome negative film and Fuji Superia 100 film. Most of the photos are forest shots and some employ double exposure. They make the photos more interesting I appended short poem-stories and entitled them “Chronicles of Ertirdil”. It seems to work and it also shows Tolkien's influence in my imagination.

where earth meets the skytree of lifeinner courtTo the seaPortalthe endfading lightgolden branchLothlorientreebeard


Dawn said...


Do you develop them yourself?

stitch said...

Thanks dawn. No , I have the negs developed in a shop and scan them myself ;) thanks for dropping by.

Marge said...

you stole these photos from my dreams. that must mean you too are not of this earth. seriously, your photos haunt--in a good way though. i can write a novel looking at them.

stitch said...

thanks marge, tolkien beat you to it ;)