Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Summer is gone

summer is over
Summer came and went very quicky. I only have my Pahiyas adventure to talk about. Otherwise it was a “working” summer. Ok, I managed some badminton games before going to work but there you are. Well, there's also my quest for a lomo camera. It began with a Holga, then a Belomo Auto Vilia. It ends, hopefully with an LC-A or a Kiev35, or maybe a Holga35 MF, whichever comes first. The journey continues. As students march back to school, thereby increasing street traffic once again; and don't forget the dreaded grid-locks after a heavy downpour; I ask myself “where has my summer gone?”


Lynx said...

rain, rain go away!
come again another day (how bout next month?)
little children, little children (am still a kid at heart)
wants to play (tong-its anyone?)


stitch said...

are you ok lynx? hehehe